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Camp Meeting Daily Schedule

7:30 AM - Prayer (tabernacle)

8:00 AM - Breakfast (dining hall)

10:00 AM - Adult Bible Study (tabernacle), Youth Bible School (see locations here)

12:00 PM - Lunch (dining hall)

1:30 PM - Youth Activity (meet at dining hall)

3:00 PM - Bible Discussion (dining hall)

5:00 PM - Dinner (dining hall)

7:00 PM - Evening service (tabernacle)

Special Events

First Saturday - Annual Membership meeting, Memorial Service

First Sunday afternoon - TBD

Monday evening service - hymn sing

Wednesday afternoon - Ladies Auxiliary meeting 1:00 PM

Wednesday after service - Sundae night

Wednesday night - Preacher Hunt (youth activity) 9:00 PM

Thursday afternoon - Ladies craft time 1:00 PM

Thursday (30 mins after service) - movie night

Friday evening service - Youth Night

Friday after service - hot dog roast 

Second Saturday - Missionary Rally  10:00 AM

Second Sunday morning - Communion service 10:00 AM

Second Sunday afternoon - TBD

©2024 Herndon Camp Meeting Association

Campgrove Road

Herndon, PA 17830

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