JULY 18-27, 2025
2024 Theme:
Proclaim His Glory Among the People
Matthew 24:14 NIV
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Rev. Timothy R. Valentino - July 19-July 27
Tim has served in pastoral ministry since 1992 and currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Christ Community Church in Myerstown, Pennsylvania. He was a professor at Evangelical Seminary and has taught various online university graduate courses throughout the region. He blogs and has written a variety of scholarly articles for theological journals.
Bible Study Leaders
Dr. Ken Miller - Morning Bible Study, M-F @10:00 am in the Tabernacle
2024 Topic: John 3
The Rev. Dr. Kenneth Miller returns to Herndon Camp Meeting for the morning Bible Study hour. Dr. Miller is the pastor of St. Paul's E.C. Church in Rothsville. He taught Christian theology and ethics at Evangelical Seminary from 1993-2016, and has taught at Evangelical College of Theology in Manipur, India.
Dr. Doug Buckwalter - Afternoon Bible Discussion, M-F @3:00 pm In the Dining Hall
2024 Topic: Esther
Doug is the Professor of Biblical Studies (New Testament) and Program Director, MA Bible at Evangelical Seminary. He has written numerous articles and authored The Character and Purpose of Luke's Christology (Cambridge, reprint 2005).
Missionaries in Residence
Lamar and Janice Stoltzfus - E.C. Missionaries at Rift Valley Academy in Kenya
Lamar and Janice Stoltzfus serve with Africa Inland Mission at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kijabe, Kenya. During their time at RVA they have served in several capacities ranging from dorm parenting, teaching, leading department, and mentoring students. Janice is currently serving as the Women’s Staff Chaplain at the school, while Lamar serves as the Director of Services for the school. His role deals with the day-to-day operation of the school and its various departments. When they are not living in Kenya, they call Lancaster County, Pennsylvania their other home.
The Missionary Rally will be held Saturday, July 27 at 10am in the Tabernacle
Spiritual Directors
Rev. Brad Hatter and Rev. Todd Wolfe
Special Events
Sunday, July 21, 2024
3:00 pm - The DKers - Christian juggling duo
Learn more about them at dkers.net
Sunday, July 28, 2024
10:00 am - Communion Service
3:00 pm - Perfect Harmony - musical group performing Then Sings My Soul: Beloved Hymns and Songs Inspired by the Ministry of Billy Graham
Children & Youth
- A nursery (unstaffed) is available in Cottage 2 for those who would like to utilize it during services. Audio of the service is provided to the nursery via radio.
- During evening services, children will be dismissed for their own program led by Margie Marsh
- Monday through Friday, classes are held at 10 AM for children. Classes available for:
age 3 - meet in Cottage 1
ages 4-5 - meet in the Dining Hall
ages 6-8 - meet in the Fellowship House (downstairs)
ages 9-12 - meet in the Fellowship House (upstairs)
- Teens meet weekdays 10 AM for Bible study in the pavilion and at 1:30 for afternoon activities
- Youth Night on July 26th features our children and teens in the service’s opening segment. Come hear them share their talent and support our young people as they serve the Lord!
Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary Meeting will be held Wednesday July 24th @1:00 PM in the Dining Hall.
The Ladies will once again have "Grandma's Attic" open each evening after the services (except Sundays).